What are Les Mills Qualifications?
Les Mills Qualifications are a brand-new assessment framework to help Instructors become the best version of themselves. They are designed to recognise and reflect an instructor's ability and commitment to continuous improvement and provide a personalised development plan based on their strengths. Ultimately, they will enable Instructors to pack classes and keep teaching for the long term.
How do Les Mills Qualifications get measured?
The qualifications are measured by an instructor's strengths in the 5 Key Elements. (Choreography, Technique, Coaching, Connection and Performance). Instructors will receive a grade for each of the 5 Key Elements, and a combination of these will give them an outcome - a level. For example, if an Instructor achieves Grade 1 in Choreography, Technique and Coaching, they will pass Initial Training and be a Level 1 Instructor. The focus is on the grades. As an Instructor moves towards higher grades in the 5 Key elements, their level will also reflect this.
Why have Les Mills Qualifications been created?
This new system has been designed to recognise an instructor's commitment to the craft. It will enable our Instructors to achieve their goals and help advocate for better pay, more work, and more classes at those coveted peak timeslots.
Why are you changing the old assessment system?
The original assessment system had a certain amount of ‘box-ticking’. Instructors attended Initial Training, either passed or didn’t, and, for most Instructors, that’s where the ‘official’ development ended, with only 20 percent of teachers progressing (in assessment) past the first three Key Elements.
Experienced Instructors know that Initial Training is only the beginning of your journey – the ‘training wheels’ if you will. Once you’re out in the real world, the actual development begins. Les Mills Qualifications will be accompanied by further growth.
Why grades and levels?
This system has been chosen to mirror the recognition shown to other pursuits, such as learning to play the violin, ballet or martial arts, where grades and belts are indicative of individual skill. In addition, Les Mills Qualifications recognise that group fitness instructing is an art, and the levels and grades represent the teacher’s progression towards teaching mastery. As leaders in the education and training of group fitness professionals, this is the next step in the Les Mills gold standard of development and recognition.
How will Les Mills Qualifications provide personalised development plans for Instructors?
Les Mills Qualifications recognise that everyone has different strengths. For example, having a high grade in Connection will enable Instructors to pack classes - even if they have a lower grade in Technique. In addition, tools are provided to help Instructors continue to elevate their strength of Connection while also developing skills in the other Key Elements. With Les Mills, Qualifications Instructors can select the development pathway that best suits them.
How do you know it works?
Trials were conducted with the Les Mills team in the Middle East to test the efficacy of Les Mills Qualifications. 46 Instructors were taken through Initial Training for BODYPUMP™, BODYBALANCE™ and LES MILLS CORE™, conducted over five trainings. 22 of the triallists were brand new to the Les Mills training system, while 24 were experienced Instructors already certified in one or more Les Mills programs.
All of the triallists said the Development Form helped them to understand the value of setting goals and knowing their strengths. In addition, everyone found the grades and progression helpful and informative, and they understood their next steps to get certified.
When can I get assessed?
Right now! Our current training offerings and our new offering - Grade Review - will have this system up and running effectively immediately.
I’m currently a Certified Instructor. What does this mean for me?
You will keep your current certification status.
How will this affect my certification (could I lose it)?
As a certified Instructor, you have met the requirements for certification, so you will not lose your certification. However, you can be assessed again if you’d like to ensure your strengths are clearly identified and have a personal education pathway specific to your needs.
I’m currently in the assessment process. How does this change my assessment?
Your level and grade change based on the development of your individual strengths. Each of the 5 Key Elements will be assessed to a particular grade, and combining those grades creates a level - the overall outcome. Participate in Advanced Training and continue your personal education pathway to develop your strengths so that when you send in your next video for assessment, you will see the improvement in level to match your progress in the Key Elements.
Levels are allocated via assessment, and Instructors will be graded and assessed when you submit for certification via this website - click here to start the process!
Do I have to submit assessment videos consistently to maintain my level?
No, you do not have to continue to submit assessment videos to maintain your level, but you will need to submit an assessment via Grade Review to increase your level and grades as your strengths improve.
An Instructor must stay active to retain their current level. The requirements to remain active vary from market to market; please don't hesitate to contact [email protected] if you need clarification.
Can I have different levels for different programs?
Yes, although most likely your strengths are similar, each program has its own assessment criteria for the 5 key elements - just like we do today for certification.
Why is there no Grade 3 for Choreography?
Choreography has 2 grades to reflect that the training is pre-choreographed and the criteria for the skill set is covered fully in two grades. The power of the workout comes from a combination of ALL the 5 Key Elements.
Why is there a level 6 and 6.5?
All of the 5 Key Elements are assessed ongoing, and as you move up the levels, you will be recognised for achieving a combination of grades 1, 2 and 3 against each Key Element. You will see there are two pathways within each level. This is to recognise that some of us may develop all 5 Key Elements at the same pace, and some may have a strength in one or two key elements while still developing the others. Levels 6 and 6.5 are so close in development, so they are displayed within the same level.
LES MILLS GRIT has 3 skills rather than 5 key elements? How will it be graded?
The LES MILLS GRIT grade assessment will be broadened to include more feedback on Connection (which is a significant component of the Key Workout Skill - Coaching) as well as Performance, which is an integral part of every Les Mills Coach/Instructor skill set and will help bring the authentic and 'Ultimate You' more into the workout. In addition, this brings GRIT more in line with the assessment of other programs.
Can I go down a level? or is my current level the starting level for the following assessment?
No, you will not go down a level. However, one or more of your previous grades may reflect the criteria not met in the most recent Grade Review. The Development Form will provide suggestions to help improve the grade.
Where do I submit for a grade review?
Right here on the website - click here to start the process!
Do I have to submit it for a grade review? Is it compulsory?
A grade review is optional to maintain your certification. Instead, this is a tool instructors can take advantage of to understand where they are in their journey and to receive a personal development plan to continue to grow their skills as an instructor.
How often would you recommend I submit a new Grade Review?
There is no specific timeline to follow for Grade Review submissions. Take the time to review your feedback and apply the learnings. When you feel you have progressed and are ready for your next development plan, submit a grade review.
I am not happy with my grade or level, can I appeal?
If you need more clarity on the development required to improve your grade and level, please contact [email protected] to review your development plan.
How can this support me in getting paid more for my classes?
We know that gym members value a highly trained instructor - And your ability and knowledge are the leading drivers in gym member satisfaction.
To encourage full and engaged classes, with Les Mills Qualifications, you now have an opportunity to raise the standards of your teaching through up-skilling yourself and investing in your development. As your class numbers grow, your club will become more aware of your teaching abilities and their value to its members.
What's the difference between an Assessment Form and Development Form?
With the launch of Les Mills Qualifications, how we assess instructors has changed. This new system is focused on your strengths and development opportunities rather than just ticking a box that you completed a skill. This new form still upholds the same quality standards for certification but is focused on your ongoing development plan.
Les Mills Qualifications are a brand-new assessment framework to help Instructors become the best version of themselves. They are designed to recognise and reflect an instructor's ability and commitment to continuous improvement and provide a personalised development plan based on their strengths. Ultimately, they will enable Instructors to pack classes and keep teaching for the long term.
How do Les Mills Qualifications get measured?
The qualifications are measured by an instructor's strengths in the 5 Key Elements. (Choreography, Technique, Coaching, Connection and Performance). Instructors will receive a grade for each of the 5 Key Elements, and a combination of these will give them an outcome - a level. For example, if an Instructor achieves Grade 1 in Choreography, Technique and Coaching, they will pass Initial Training and be a Level 1 Instructor. The focus is on the grades. As an Instructor moves towards higher grades in the 5 Key elements, their level will also reflect this.
Why have Les Mills Qualifications been created?
This new system has been designed to recognise an instructor's commitment to the craft. It will enable our Instructors to achieve their goals and help advocate for better pay, more work, and more classes at those coveted peak timeslots.
Why are you changing the old assessment system?
The original assessment system had a certain amount of ‘box-ticking’. Instructors attended Initial Training, either passed or didn’t, and, for most Instructors, that’s where the ‘official’ development ended, with only 20 percent of teachers progressing (in assessment) past the first three Key Elements.
Experienced Instructors know that Initial Training is only the beginning of your journey – the ‘training wheels’ if you will. Once you’re out in the real world, the actual development begins. Les Mills Qualifications will be accompanied by further growth.
Why grades and levels?
This system has been chosen to mirror the recognition shown to other pursuits, such as learning to play the violin, ballet or martial arts, where grades and belts are indicative of individual skill. In addition, Les Mills Qualifications recognise that group fitness instructing is an art, and the levels and grades represent the teacher’s progression towards teaching mastery. As leaders in the education and training of group fitness professionals, this is the next step in the Les Mills gold standard of development and recognition.
How will Les Mills Qualifications provide personalised development plans for Instructors?
Les Mills Qualifications recognise that everyone has different strengths. For example, having a high grade in Connection will enable Instructors to pack classes - even if they have a lower grade in Technique. In addition, tools are provided to help Instructors continue to elevate their strength of Connection while also developing skills in the other Key Elements. With Les Mills, Qualifications Instructors can select the development pathway that best suits them.
How do you know it works?
Trials were conducted with the Les Mills team in the Middle East to test the efficacy of Les Mills Qualifications. 46 Instructors were taken through Initial Training for BODYPUMP™, BODYBALANCE™ and LES MILLS CORE™, conducted over five trainings. 22 of the triallists were brand new to the Les Mills training system, while 24 were experienced Instructors already certified in one or more Les Mills programs.
All of the triallists said the Development Form helped them to understand the value of setting goals and knowing their strengths. In addition, everyone found the grades and progression helpful and informative, and they understood their next steps to get certified.
When can I get assessed?
Right now! Our current training offerings and our new offering - Grade Review - will have this system up and running effectively immediately.
I’m currently a Certified Instructor. What does this mean for me?
You will keep your current certification status.
How will this affect my certification (could I lose it)?
As a certified Instructor, you have met the requirements for certification, so you will not lose your certification. However, you can be assessed again if you’d like to ensure your strengths are clearly identified and have a personal education pathway specific to your needs.
I’m currently in the assessment process. How does this change my assessment?
Your level and grade change based on the development of your individual strengths. Each of the 5 Key Elements will be assessed to a particular grade, and combining those grades creates a level - the overall outcome. Participate in Advanced Training and continue your personal education pathway to develop your strengths so that when you send in your next video for assessment, you will see the improvement in level to match your progress in the Key Elements.
Levels are allocated via assessment, and Instructors will be graded and assessed when you submit for certification via this website - click here to start the process!
Do I have to submit assessment videos consistently to maintain my level?
No, you do not have to continue to submit assessment videos to maintain your level, but you will need to submit an assessment via Grade Review to increase your level and grades as your strengths improve.
An Instructor must stay active to retain their current level. The requirements to remain active vary from market to market; please don't hesitate to contact [email protected] if you need clarification.
Can I have different levels for different programs?
Yes, although most likely your strengths are similar, each program has its own assessment criteria for the 5 key elements - just like we do today for certification.
Why is there no Grade 3 for Choreography?
Choreography has 2 grades to reflect that the training is pre-choreographed and the criteria for the skill set is covered fully in two grades. The power of the workout comes from a combination of ALL the 5 Key Elements.
Why is there a level 6 and 6.5?
All of the 5 Key Elements are assessed ongoing, and as you move up the levels, you will be recognised for achieving a combination of grades 1, 2 and 3 against each Key Element. You will see there are two pathways within each level. This is to recognise that some of us may develop all 5 Key Elements at the same pace, and some may have a strength in one or two key elements while still developing the others. Levels 6 and 6.5 are so close in development, so they are displayed within the same level.
LES MILLS GRIT has 3 skills rather than 5 key elements? How will it be graded?
The LES MILLS GRIT grade assessment will be broadened to include more feedback on Connection (which is a significant component of the Key Workout Skill - Coaching) as well as Performance, which is an integral part of every Les Mills Coach/Instructor skill set and will help bring the authentic and 'Ultimate You' more into the workout. In addition, this brings GRIT more in line with the assessment of other programs.
Can I go down a level? or is my current level the starting level for the following assessment?
No, you will not go down a level. However, one or more of your previous grades may reflect the criteria not met in the most recent Grade Review. The Development Form will provide suggestions to help improve the grade.
Where do I submit for a grade review?
Right here on the website - click here to start the process!
Do I have to submit it for a grade review? Is it compulsory?
A grade review is optional to maintain your certification. Instead, this is a tool instructors can take advantage of to understand where they are in their journey and to receive a personal development plan to continue to grow their skills as an instructor.
How often would you recommend I submit a new Grade Review?
There is no specific timeline to follow for Grade Review submissions. Take the time to review your feedback and apply the learnings. When you feel you have progressed and are ready for your next development plan, submit a grade review.
I am not happy with my grade or level, can I appeal?
If you need more clarity on the development required to improve your grade and level, please contact [email protected] to review your development plan.
How can this support me in getting paid more for my classes?
We know that gym members value a highly trained instructor - And your ability and knowledge are the leading drivers in gym member satisfaction.
To encourage full and engaged classes, with Les Mills Qualifications, you now have an opportunity to raise the standards of your teaching through up-skilling yourself and investing in your development. As your class numbers grow, your club will become more aware of your teaching abilities and their value to its members.
What's the difference between an Assessment Form and Development Form?
With the launch of Les Mills Qualifications, how we assess instructors has changed. This new system is focused on your strengths and development opportunities rather than just ticking a box that you completed a skill. This new form still upholds the same quality standards for certification but is focused on your ongoing development plan.
How do I become certified in my Program?
Once you have attended and passed your Initial Training – you can then work towards your Certification. When you have learned your full release and can coach and perform the full workout according to the criteria on the forms you received at your ITM, you have the following options;
Once you have attended and passed your Initial Training – you can then work towards your Certification. When you have learned your full release and can coach and perform the full workout according to the criteria on the forms you received at your ITM, you have the following options;
- Video yourself teaching an approved format for Certification for your module release (please refer HERE for details). When setting up the camera for your class, at least 2 participants and yourself must be fully captured in the frame. The audio (music & voice) must be clear. Upload the video to a file sharing website and then apply HERE.
How long after my module do I have to get certified?
You must complete your certification within 12 weeks of completing Initial Training. Your GFM and Trainer will be able to help guide you through this process, please do not hesitate to reach out to them. If you are unable within the 12 weeks, please reach out to Corinne and we can discuss next steps for you.
How do I apply for an extension?
Get in touch with [email protected] Please include your your GFM/GF Coordinator in to the email and let Milly know how long you would like to extend for.
How long does it take to hear back about my result?
The turnaround for certifications is approximately 2 weeks. Please note that our assessor team will do their best to complete your assessment as quickly as they can.
You must complete your certification within 12 weeks of completing Initial Training. Your GFM and Trainer will be able to help guide you through this process, please do not hesitate to reach out to them. If you are unable within the 12 weeks, please reach out to Corinne and we can discuss next steps for you.
How do I apply for an extension?
Get in touch with [email protected] Please include your your GFM/GF Coordinator in to the email and let Milly know how long you would like to extend for.
How long does it take to hear back about my result?
The turnaround for certifications is approximately 2 weeks. Please note that our assessor team will do their best to complete your assessment as quickly as they can.
Do I need to be affiliated with a facility in order to teach?
Yes! You must be signed up with a licensed facility to teach Les Mills classes and keep your certification active.
Yes! You must be signed up with a licensed facility to teach Les Mills classes and keep your certification active.
Where can I get a copy of my certificate?
If you have lost your certificate please get in touch with [email protected] Please let us know, what year and who completed your certification. Please note we only have certificates as far back as 2016.
If you have lost your certificate please get in touch with [email protected] Please let us know, what year and who completed your certification. Please note we only have certificates as far back as 2016.
What does 'pass-withheld" mean?
"Pass withheld" means you may have one of the 3 assessed Key Elements to score Grade 1 in before you achieve a "Pass". Before you begin to team teach please submit your module track to Milly Farrell [email protected] for consideration from the Trainer to achieve a "Pass".
"Pass withheld" means you may have one of the 3 assessed Key Elements to score Grade 1 in before you achieve a "Pass". Before you begin to team teach please submit your module track to Milly Farrell [email protected] for consideration from the Trainer to achieve a "Pass".
What do I do if I disagree with my certification outcome?
To be leaders in group fitness, you have to have high standards, and it's our trainers and assessors' job to ensure all our instructors are up to par. If you disagree with an outcome or a comment, please just get in touch with our National Group Fitness Manager: [email protected]
How do I get access to purchase Digital Kits from the website for my program?
One you have gained your Certification you will be given access to purchase Digital Kits in that selected programme. Until you are certified your GFM will need to arrange digital kits for you.
To be leaders in group fitness, you have to have high standards, and it's our trainers and assessors' job to ensure all our instructors are up to par. If you disagree with an outcome or a comment, please just get in touch with our National Group Fitness Manager: [email protected]
How do I get access to purchase Digital Kits from the website for my program?
One you have gained your Certification you will be given access to purchase Digital Kits in that selected programme. Until you are certified your GFM will need to arrange digital kits for you.
Please ensure when purchasing a digital kit via the online store that you use the SAME email linked to your instructor portal. If you use another email it will automatically create a new account for you meaning your new digital kit will not show up in your instructor portal. Please TRIPLE check your email address is correct before placing your order.
How much is a digital kit?
Digital Kits are $69 each.
What is included when purchasing a digital kit?
Music, Notes, Masterclass, Program specific training, Les Mills TV, tips.
When are digital kits loaded?
Digital kits are loaded on Tuesday & Thursday afternoons.
How much is a digital kit?
Digital Kits are $69 each.
What is included when purchasing a digital kit?
Music, Notes, Masterclass, Program specific training, Les Mills TV, tips.
When are digital kits loaded?
Digital kits are loaded on Tuesday & Thursday afternoons.
Where do I download the app?
If you are using an apple device (iPhone or iPad) then you can download the app by searching LES MILLS Releases on the Apple app store or on Google Play for Android devices.
If you are using an apple device (iPhone or iPad) then you can download the app by searching LES MILLS Releases on the Apple app store or on Google Play for Android devices.
Can I download a digital kit directly to my mobile device such as an iPad/iPod/Android?
You cannot download any files from the portal onto a mobile device. However, you can if you download the LES MILLS Releases App.
You cannot download any files from the portal onto a mobile device. However, you can if you download the LES MILLS Releases App.
I don't have a smartphone or a tablet to use the App. What do I do?
You do not need to have a smartphone or tablet to be able to learn your releases. You can still watch the masterclass video on the Instructor portal and you can still download your music and choreography notes there as well.
You do not need to have a smartphone or tablet to be able to learn your releases. You can still watch the masterclass video on the Instructor portal and you can still download your music and choreography notes there as well.
Where should I save my files?
You can save your files wherever you choose on your computer.
Your internet browser will save your files in a default location unless you choose to do otherwise.
The location of your downloaded file will depend on your browser type. Most browsers have a default download location. On a Mac, it is usually the "Downloads" folder you see in your Finder window.
You can save your files wherever you choose on your computer.
Your internet browser will save your files in a default location unless you choose to do otherwise.
The location of your downloaded file will depend on your browser type. Most browsers have a default download location. On a Mac, it is usually the "Downloads" folder you see in your Finder window.
My releases are not showing up on the app.
Click and drag in a downward motion on the app Releases page to refresh the screen and allow a couple of minutes to load. You can also go to the “More” section of the app and click the “Reset All My Releases” button.
Click and drag in a downward motion on the app Releases page to refresh the screen and allow a couple of minutes to load. You can also go to the “More” section of the app and click the “Reset All My Releases” button.
Do I need to download the digital kit files within a certain period of time?
Yes. You have 180 days to download your order from the date you are notified that your release is available for download.
Yes. You have 180 days to download your order from the date you are notified that your release is available for download.
I have selected the Download for Offline use option but my music is not showing up on iTunes or other music player.
The releases live and are played directly by using the Les Mills release app. If you would like to add your music to your iTunes library, you’ll need to do the conventional method of downloading from the instructor portal.
The releases live and are played directly by using the Les Mills release app. If you would like to add your music to your iTunes library, you’ll need to do the conventional method of downloading from the instructor portal.
One or more buttons for my digital kit are greyed out, what do I do?
Once you have downloaded a file, the button to download the file again will become greyed out and unavailable for you to select.
In the event that your file download fails, refresh the screen. Next to the greyed out button you will see the option "Had issues downloading?" - select this to download the release.
Once you have downloaded a file, the button to download the file again will become greyed out and unavailable for you to select.
In the event that your file download fails, refresh the screen. Next to the greyed out button you will see the option "Had issues downloading?" - select this to download the release.
I am unable to log in to the Les Mills Releases app and am not receiving an email to update.
Please note that the Les Mills Releases app uses the same login credentials as the Instructor portal. First, check to make sure that you have entered the correct email address. Also, please check that you have downloaded the correct app – Les Mills Releases, the icon is a large white ‘L” on a black background.
Please note that the Les Mills Releases app uses the same login credentials as the Instructor portal. First, check to make sure that you have entered the correct email address. Also, please check that you have downloaded the correct app – Les Mills Releases, the icon is a large white ‘L” on a black background.
I received my temporary password and entered it into the app but I still can't log in.
You cannot log into the App using the temporary password that you receive via email when setting up your account. You must log in to the portal on a computer or laptop using the temporary password and then change the password on the portal. You may then use your new password when signing in to the App.
You cannot log into the App using the temporary password that you receive via email when setting up your account. You must log in to the portal on a computer or laptop using the temporary password and then change the password on the portal. You may then use your new password when signing in to the App.
Streaming content in the app skips or stalls/downloading content in the app is slow or fails.
Please test the connection speed of your wifi by by using a website such as this - http://www.speedtest.net/. If the connection speed is quite slow, contact your internet provider. If you notice that some parts of the releases are streaming/downloading fine, your internet provider may have limited the amount of content you can download at high speed in one period.
Please test the connection speed of your wifi by by using a website such as this - http://www.speedtest.net/. If the connection speed is quite slow, contact your internet provider. If you notice that some parts of the releases are streaming/downloading fine, your internet provider may have limited the amount of content you can download at high speed in one period.
The app is crashing after about a minute of being open.
This is likely the result of an interrupted installation of the app. Delete the app and re-download form the app store – this should resolve the issue.
This is likely the result of an interrupted installation of the app. Delete the app and re-download form the app store – this should resolve the issue.
I've downloaded a release before and now I can't see it to download it again. Why?
Releases will be available to watch or download (music and choreography) for two years from the day of the kits release.
After that time a release will no longer be available to download.
Releases will be available to watch or download (music and choreography) for two years from the day of the kits release.
After that time a release will no longer be available to download.
Can I download a digital kit file more than once?
In the event your file download has failed, you can re-download the kit by following these steps:
1. Log in to the Instructor Portal
2. Go to “Releases” or “My Releases”
3. Select the relevant program and release
4. Select the option "Had issues downloading?" If you don't see this select Ctrl + F5.
5. Follow the directions there to re-download the kit.
Note: You will have a limited number of attempts to download the file. In the event you continue to have problems please contact your local Les Mills agent.
If you are still having issues with your digital kits/app, please speak to your GFM and make sure you have followed all the tips above.
In the event your file download has failed, you can re-download the kit by following these steps:
1. Log in to the Instructor Portal
2. Go to “Releases” or “My Releases”
3. Select the relevant program and release
4. Select the option "Had issues downloading?" If you don't see this select Ctrl + F5.
5. Follow the directions there to re-download the kit.
Note: You will have a limited number of attempts to download the file. In the event you continue to have problems please contact your local Les Mills agent.
If you are still having issues with your digital kits/app, please speak to your GFM and make sure you have followed all the tips above.
Can I share my digital kit with other instructors or my friends and family?
No, the files are for your personal use only in connection with your instruction of Les Mills programs. You may not copy the files for, or share the files with, other instructors, friends, family or any other person.
What happens if you are caught sharing digital kits/teaching releases you haven’t purchased?
If you are caught sharing digital kits or teaching releases you have not purchased, we may terminate your Group Fitness Contract with Les Mills.
No, the files are for your personal use only in connection with your instruction of Les Mills programs. You may not copy the files for, or share the files with, other instructors, friends, family or any other person.
What happens if you are caught sharing digital kits/teaching releases you haven’t purchased?
If you are caught sharing digital kits or teaching releases you have not purchased, we may terminate your Group Fitness Contract with Les Mills.
What should I do If I know someone is sharing files?
Please let us know at [email protected]
Please let us know at [email protected]
Who owns the content?
The music, video and other materials you download are owned by Les Mills and/or its licensors. You are granted a limited license to use the files in connection with your instruction of Les Mills programs in accordance with the terms of your instructor agreement.
The music, video and other materials you download are owned by Les Mills and/or its licensors. You are granted a limited license to use the files in connection with your instruction of Les Mills programs in accordance with the terms of your instructor agreement.
How often are UNITED LIVE events?
There are two events per year - Q1 FEB and Q3 AUG
There are two events per year - Q1 FEB and Q3 AUG
What is the purpose of a UNITED LIVE?
We gather as a wider Les Mills United team to experience the new releases delivered by the top Les Mills Presenters in the country to further develop our craft, to understand and feel the focus of each release and to enhance our education of the release and the latest information from Les Mills. These Workshops count toward accumulating CPD point to retain REPS registration.
We gather as a wider Les Mills United team to experience the new releases delivered by the top Les Mills Presenters in the country to further develop our craft, to understand and feel the focus of each release and to enhance our education of the release and the latest information from Les Mills. These Workshops count toward accumulating CPD point to retain REPS registration.
What happens if I cannot attend UNITED LIVE?
There are Online Webinars to attend at no cost that help you stay up to date with the latest release, the education and way in which you can unlock the full potential of the release.
There are Online Webinars to attend at no cost that help you stay up to date with the latest release, the education and way in which you can unlock the full potential of the release.
Do I have to register for UNITED LIVE?
Yes, around 4-6 weeks prior to the workshop dates being announced the registration form will go live. You will need to complete this to gain entry into the workshop.
Yes, around 4-6 weeks prior to the workshop dates being announced the registration form will go live. You will need to complete this to gain entry into the workshop.
Do I have to pay to attend workshops?
Yes. If you are teaching for a Les Mills owned club your club has covered your workshop fee for you.
Yes. If you are teaching for a Les Mills owned club your club has covered your workshop fee for you.
How do I get the opportunity to become a UNITED LIVE presenter?
Apply to present for Workshop through your GFM/GF Co-ordinator. They will have the application process and will help you submit based on the criteria required to present at the Workshop.
Apply to present for Workshop through your GFM/GF Co-ordinator. They will have the application process and will help you submit based on the criteria required to present at the Workshop.
GFI Facebook
If you haven't joined already click here to be apart of the Facebook community! This page is used frequently by the LMNZ Group Fit team, instructors and GFM's from across the country.
What other training can I do after initial training module?
You can book in for Advanced Training offered by Les Mills to further explore and deepen your skills as a Group Fitness Instructor for Les mills. Dates are available under the INSTRUCTOR TRAINING section of this website.
What career opportunities are there for me in group fitness for Les Mills?
Outside of our clubs you can also apply for the LMNZ National Team as an Assessor, Trainer or Presenter. These roles are very limited and represent only a fraction of the wider instructor market – so therefore require a deep knowledge of the programs, incredible talent at presenting and/or a passion and experience in training/education for adults;
You can book in for Advanced Training offered by Les Mills to further explore and deepen your skills as a Group Fitness Instructor for Les mills. Dates are available under the INSTRUCTOR TRAINING section of this website.
What career opportunities are there for me in group fitness for Les Mills?
Outside of our clubs you can also apply for the LMNZ National Team as an Assessor, Trainer or Presenter. These roles are very limited and represent only a fraction of the wider instructor market – so therefore require a deep knowledge of the programs, incredible talent at presenting and/or a passion and experience in training/education for adults;